When a newborn baby comes out of the womb, doctors encourage mothers to breastfeed the infant. This is because the milk that comes out has nutrients in the right concentrations. It also has antibodies, which becomes the first line of defense against harmful bacteria and viruses.
Studies show that a mother can continue to breastfeed the child until it reaches 4 years of age. But because the teeth have already been developed, many decide to use a pump or change this for artificial milk.
One of the first challenges parents will face in the first six months is a condition where the baby becomes colic. This is when the infant will cry for no reason at all that will take months to subside.
Some doctors believe that the reason why a baby will behave in this manner is due to the milk that is fed from the mother's breast.
There are two theories that explain this. The first is because babies who suck milk also take in a certain amount of air. Mothers are encourage to let the infant burp before going to sleep so he or she won't wake up later on.
The second is from the types of food that the mother eats. Gaseous foods, which are digested, are passed on to the infant in the form of milk causing the colic to happen.
Until now, there is insufficient proof to prove there is a relationship between breastfeeding and colic. Believe it or not, this happens more often to bottle-fed rather than breast fed infants. This means the mother should just watch out the food being eaten so this condition does not happen.
Those who are unable to do it can ask help from a dietitian so certain dishes can be substituted for something else.
Watching the food and making sure the infant burps are just two ways to handle a colic baby. The mother can also carry the child onto the shoulders or in a swaying motion. Some even sing a lullaby making the infant go back to sleep.
The parents can also put a CD player near the crib that will play nursery rhymes. This will serve as background so the baby will not wake up from the sounds coming from outside the room or the house.
During the daytime, a colic baby can also be remedied with a warm bath or a massage. This is because adults who are stressed sometimes use this to release the tension in the muscles, which makes this also work for the child.
If the infant has grown some teeth already, perhaps giving a pacifier can help. Some babies cry when he or she is not sucking onto something and this device can work as a substitute for the mother's breast.
There is nothing wrong if the doctor classifies the baby as a colic. In fact, this is a blessing in disguise because this means that the little boy or girl is normal. The excessive crying or shouting are ways for the infant to ask for attention that will serve as a wake up call for first time parents.
The parents should just persevere through this phase. After all, colic babies are hereditary which means the same thing happened to the mother and father many years ago.
Although it is a must that you bring the baby to a doctor so he or she can be examined, there are other ways to relieve the discomfort caused by simple colic at your home. If you are sure that the infant only experiences simple colic, all you need is muster enough patience and try these simple home remedies:
1. Try to relax and comfort the baby by giving him or her a massage. Through the years, massage has proven to be an effective method of relieving varying levels of discomfort. Because of this, many colic release techniques have become available in the Internet or from the publications available in many bookstores.
These series of massage usually include simple movements and techniques that are easy to learn and apply. Although these techniques do not directly treat the major cause of colic, it can help a lot to comfort the child by reducing the level of pain he or she experiences.
If the massage is done properly, it can even help stimulate regular bowel movement and releasing of gas that will eventually reduce cramping that causes extreme pain.
2. Consider using herbal tea as a simple solution to colic. Despite the glaring wonders of herbal medicines, more parents still don't realize that this can be used to treat simple colic. By administering up to four ounces of herbal tea to infants a daily, you can ease the pain and discomfort caused by the condition.
With your doctor's approval, you can even increase your child's intake of herbal tea larger. Parents who have tried using herbal tea as a simple home remedy for colic say that some of the best herbs for colic include chamomile, ginger, catnip, and peppermint. Generally, these are safe for your child but make sure that you do not replace meals with it so it won't cause malnutrition.
3. Try the wonders of burping. Indeed, one of the most overlooked home remedy for colic is the simple process of burping Experts say that letting your child burp before, after, and during feedings can reduce the amount of air going into his or her stomach and intestines. While feeding, try to stop every five minutes and let your baby burp for a minute or two then proceed to the entirety of the meal. Since it can disrupt his or her meal, the infant will reject this at first but by doing it regularly, you can find the best home remedy for your colicky baby.
4. Let warm water bottle or any warming device to comfort your infant when he or she experiences colic. Aside from burping, a simple warm water bottle can ease your child's discomfort. By placing warm water bottle or any warming device on top of his or her tummy, you can help the intestines relax and reduce cramps. You can also opt for a warm bath if your baby loves water.
5. Try the magic of catnip. By boiling 1/4 cup of catnip in a kettle of water, you can ease the pain and discomfort caused by colic. After boiling the catnip, strain it using cheesecloth or a fine strainer. Let it cool first before giving it to your child. If he or she shows signs of dislike due to the taste, you can add a little sugar to it.
6. The wonder of vacuum cleaner. Once the baby starts crying when he or she experiences colic, try turning on the vacuum cleaner. You will notice that the baby's attention will shift from his or her stomach to the sound created by the cleaner.
7. Use boiled Fernel seeds to ease to dilute stomachaches, cramps, and digestion.
8. Boil a thick slice of onion, put it into an old sterilized bottle, and let your baby drink it.
9. Maximize the benefits of formula or breast milk by putting it in a teaspoon and give it to your child.
10. Soothe the baby's pain by rubbing some caster oil over his or her tummy.
Colic is one of the most common problems in babies. In fact, it is so common that this is the kind of thing that you will be prepared for even before it occurs being a major topic in all baby books in your bookshelf.
Colic begins as early as two to three weeks and reaches its peak when the baby is about two months old. After which, symptoms and episodes will slowly die down and at fourth month, there will be no more episodes.
Until now, medical experts cannot find what exactly causes colic to occur. It just happens to babies without any real or specific reason. However, there are a host of possible causes that may influence or worsen a colic episode. Here are some of them.
* Allergy to cow's milk or powdered milk
* Lactose intolerance
* Allergy to the foods that the mother take in and transferred to the baby through breast milk
* Increase in the intestinal gas brought on by foods that usually produce gas in the stomach such as broccoli, onion and beans.
* Underdeveloped digestive system that may cause strong contractions in the stomach
* Hormonal changes in the body of your baby
* Anxiety of the mother and postpartum depression
* Overfeeding of the baby
Often, the only sign that parents will get is nonstop crying that can last from an hour to as much as five hours! This can be really hard to take for parents especially those who are not used to their babies crying too much. For first-time parents the first episode of colic can be panicking as they do not know why their little angel is crying so hard.
Crying can be the result of a lot of things. This is why it is important for parents to really know the other signs and symptoms of colic in babies before they panic or in some cases not panic.
Predictable crying episodes
Although this will not be evident at the start, a colicky baby will have crying episodes at specific time of the day. This can either occur at day or at night, often after a meal. These episodes will recur at approximately the same time and it can last from just a few minutes to hours. It can occur once every week or everyday of the week. It really depends on the baby and because there is no known cause, parents just have to patiently wait if there will be an episode for that day.
Gaseous state
According to some experts, colic is brought on by gas in the stomach that causes an ache. Babies will often excrete bowels or pass gas near the end of the episode. This will relieve the problem.
Positions of the legs and arms
Babies who have colic will manifest their pain in the way they will draw their legs to their abdomens to squeeze them in. Their hands will also clench into fists and their abdominal muscles will harden. Some babies who cannot take the pain will trash around and become really wild. Their screams and cries will get louder and louder.
Crying madly
This is one of the main symptoms of colic in babies. In fact, most parents think that if their babies cry, they are either hungry or having a colic. The cries of a colicky child is loud and intense. There is no room for a weak and sickly cry. Their cheeks will often become red from the exertion and they will be difficult to comfort.
Colic is one of the most common problems in babies during the first few months. The problem is so common that parents already know how to deal with it even before it occurs. Ways in dealing with colic have been passed on for generations through of mouth or through baby books and digests.
Colic is a problem that everybody seem to know but few can understand. In fact, up until now, scientists and medical experts still do not know what causes colic. All they seem to know is that it is characterized by a pain in the stomach and abdominal area; but where this problem roots from well that's something that they are still trying to determine.
Many believe that colic is genetic. This means that parents who suffered from colic when they were babies will also produce babies who will also have colic. Some put the blame on allergens that babies get from their food or from the breast milk that their mommies give them. Others think that colic is just gas that gets stuck inside the still developing systems of the baby.
Colic begins as early as three weeks of age. For premature babies, onset will be a little later because their bodies have not yet developed. Colic episodes will peak at around second month of age and will begin to decline on the third month. Often, episodes will cease during the fourth month of the baby.
Colic symptoms are so obvious that it is impossible for parents miss them. In fact, some sings are so in-your-face that parents sometimes tend to panic because of fear that something more major is happening. Colic is actually not a serious problem in babies. Unlike in horses when it is considered to be an emergency and matter of life and death, colic in babies will just cease on their own. Of course, it is important that you also know what differentiates a colic episode from something that is really major. What you think is just colic can be something already serious.
This is why it is also important that you consult your pediatrician when colic starts to ensure that it is really colic that you are dealing with. Since there are no tests that can pinpoint to colic, the most that doctors can do is to exclude other possible causes of crying and screaming episodes. Among the problems that may cause the same reactions are intestinal blockage, infection in the abdomen, an ear infection and sometimes even a scratch in the babies eye. Other reasons are obstruction in the digestive tracts, hernia and problems in the bowel.
Since there is really no specific cause of colic, treating or curing colic is impossible. The only thing that parents can do is to make sure that their babies become as comfortable as possible when they are suffering from a colic episode.
One of the things that you can do is to walk your baby and to wrap him or her up in a swaddling. You can also have him listen to some soothing music that will calm him down during an episode. It is important that you do not overfeed your baby, something which most parents will do when their babies cry. Also, check with your pediatrician if your baby is allergic to some foods or liquids that he is taking in. Sometimes allergens that can cause colic can be passed from the mom to the child through breast milk.
Any parent whose baby has suffered from colic can tell you that colic is one of the most excruciating experiences ever imaginable. Nothing is worse than seeing one's baby in pain and not being able to help take it away. Finding relief for colic quickly becomes a toppriority. There are many different colic remedies that may come to the rescue for your particular baby. Each baby is unique and may only respond to some or a combination of colic remedies. Unfortunately, parents may have to use the old trial and error method to determine which provide the greatest amount of relief for their little colic sufferer. One thing is certain the days of "waiting it out" are long one for those determined to find an answer.
There is no need to suffer needlessly along with baby. If you've tried all proper feeding and burping techniques and baby is still crying, try the following list of the most effective remedies available:
1. Music / Sound - Traditional lullabies, classical music composed for infants and heartbeat/womb CDs are very popular external remedies that relax many babies suffering from colic. You can find some particularly good ones at the SlumberSounds web site. Some parents have had great success by placing baby in carseat on top of running dishwasher, washing machine, dryer or near running vacuum cleaner. A gentle "shhhhhhh"ing sound in baby's ear can work magic, as can soft whispers and humming or singing.
2. Diet - Bottlefed babies with colic may show improvement if switched to a different formula, such as soy. The mothers of breastfed babies may have to pay close attention to their own diet to make sure that babies are not having negative reactions to certain foods. Try eliminating the following common culprits one at a time for a week to see if there are any signs of improvement for baby: dairy, caffeine, chocolate and gas-producing foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, peppers, melons, tomatoes, citrus fruits, beans and peanuts.
3. Gripe Water - Be sure to check the ingredients before buying a gripe water. Many claim to be natural but include artificial ingredients and preservatives. Colicky infants' digestive systems certainly do not need any of these potential irritants. Some gripe waters are not very helpful.
4. Warm Aromatherapy Bath / Massage - Add a few drops of lavender to a warm bath and follow with the soothing touch of massage. Focus massage on the tummy area to relieve painful trapped gas. You can research baby massage techniques on the web or pick up a book on the subject. A good one to try is The Practical Art of Baby Massage by Peter Walker. You can buy lovely lavender, chamomile and fennel massage oils specifically designed for baby massage on the Web. There is also a popular baby massage tool called "Snukkles" which may work well for you.
5. Swaddling - Babies are often soothed when swaddled or held close to a parents chest and heartbeat since they are reminiscent of the comfort and safety of the womb. Newborn babies are soothed in nurseries with swaddling. Techniques on folding soft, stretchy blankets are easy to learn. Find instructions and diagrams online or pick up a book/ magazine on the topic. A good ready-made wrap to try is "Swaddle me", easy to find on the Web.
6. Motion - Walking, rocking and movement are very comforting to most infants. The good old rocking chair may be all it takes. Some parents have been known to push stroller or drive around in car until baby falls asleep. Try putting baby in an infant chest carrier or sling so that your hands can be free. Walk with baby facing down across arm with hand under abdomen,applying gentle pressure. This position is often referred to as "the colic hold". Many babies like to be outdoors. Almost all babies love swings. Try a combination of the above to see what helps soothe baby the best.
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